Sunday, May 22, 2011

Table about ten oil-producing countries

This table provides information about ten oil-producing countries in July 2002. The quota of barrels per day and the actual production are given.

First, Saudi Arabia registered the largest quota of 7,053 barrels per day and its daily production was 7.650 barrels. Second in both categories came Iran with a quota of 3,186 barrels and 3,390 actually produced. Not far behind were Venezuela and UAE with quotas of 2,497 and 1,894 respectively, actual production slightly outnumbered quotas. Further down the scale were Kuwait and Nigeria, quotas averaged about 1760 barrels and production approximately 1,915 each. The remaining countries, Qatar, Algeria, Indonesia, and Libya, varied from 592 to 1,162 for quotas and 640 to 1,320 for actual production.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia achieved the highest quota and actual production of oil per day and Qatar the lowest. All countries except Indonesia produced marginally more oil than their quotas.

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