Sunday, May 22, 2011

Line about under ground in london

The line chart shows the number of people who use London underground station from 6:00 a.m to 2200 at night. It is clear that the number of people rises at morning. However, at noon drops. Then, the number of passengers goes up from 16 -18.30.
It is clear from the chart provides us with detailed information from morning to the evening. It is noticed that the number of passengers starts at 100 to rise sharply to 400 during a period of two hours, from 6 to 8. After that period, the number of passengers decline steadily between the periods of 10 to 16. At 16.00 the number starts to go up sharply again to reach to the peak at 18:00 of about 400 passengers. Finally, the people who go back home falls sharply. Then, it remains fluctuated until 22.00.

In con collusion, I can sum up by saying that the line chart shows that Loudon is busy in the morning and in the afternoon. However, it is quiet during noon and night.

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