Sunday, May 22, 2011

Table about ten oil-producing countries

This table provides information about ten oil-producing countries in July 2002. The quota of barrels per day and the actual production are given.

First, Saudi Arabia registered the largest quota of 7,053 barrels per day and its daily production was 7.650 barrels. Second in both categories came Iran with a quota of 3,186 barrels and 3,390 actually produced. Not far behind were Venezuela and UAE with quotas of 2,497 and 1,894 respectively, actual production slightly outnumbered quotas. Further down the scale were Kuwait and Nigeria, quotas averaged about 1760 barrels and production approximately 1,915 each. The remaining countries, Qatar, Algeria, Indonesia, and Libya, varied from 592 to 1,162 for quotas and 640 to 1,320 for actual production.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia achieved the highest quota and actual production of oil per day and Qatar the lowest. All countries except Indonesia produced marginally more oil than their quotas.

using cells phone while driving

Some people agree strongly the needs for using mobile phone during their driving. They argue that for enjoyment. However, others are against it, they believe that they should protect our society. This essay will examine the positive sides and negative sides for using mobile phone through people driving.

First, there are several arguments in favour of using phone while driving. The first argument is that when people use road they want to enjoy their time by using cell phone. For example, they can enjoy it by play games, send massages, and talk with others. Moreover, some people use cell phone when they driving for their jobs. This means people can sell and buy through cell phone that will save time, money, and effort. In addition, they can also use phone for long distance. Usually people who are drive long distance feel boring so that cell phone protects them from sleeping.

On the other hand, there are many other arguments against using mobile phone while driving. The first negative point is they should didn’t use cell phone when driving because that causes many accidents. This means when a driver did not focus in road that will be dangerous for other drivers. Another negative point is that it’s a dangerous for pedestrians in street. For example, when drivers are busy whit them phone, they can’t see pedestrians in street so will cause to die these people. Finally, some people who are using cells phone in cars spend a lot of money for paying traffic fines. Such as, when people use mobile phone during their driving so the police give them traffic fines because they didn’t flow traffic rules.

In conclusion, I can sum up by saying that using cells phone while driving, Should be taken into consideration. Citizens should respect and obey rules and law to preserve their souls and their country as well. In my opinion, we can’t use cells phone while driving because that will kill others.

Line about under ground in london

The line chart shows the number of people who use London underground station from 6:00 a.m to 2200 at night. It is clear that the number of people rises at morning. However, at noon drops. Then, the number of passengers goes up from 16 -18.30.
It is clear from the chart provides us with detailed information from morning to the evening. It is noticed that the number of passengers starts at 100 to rise sharply to 400 during a period of two hours, from 6 to 8. After that period, the number of passengers decline steadily between the periods of 10 to 16. At 16.00 the number starts to go up sharply again to reach to the peak at 18:00 of about 400 passengers. Finally, the people who go back home falls sharply. Then, it remains fluctuated until 22.00.

In con collusion, I can sum up by saying that the line chart shows that Loudon is busy in the morning and in the afternoon. However, it is quiet during noon and night.

The underground train systems of 5 cities

This table compares the underground train systems of 5 cities: London, Paris, Tokyo, Kyoto and Boston. There are three categories: year opened length and number of passenger in 2010.
The first underground opened in London in 1863, and the most recent underground opened in Boston in 2001. London also has the longest underground train system at 394 kilometers. Contrastingly, Kyoto has the shortest at 11 kilometers. Most significantly, Paris and Tokyo had the greatest number of passengers in 2010 at 189 and 192 million, respectively. The other three cities, London, Kyoto and Boston, had far fewer passengers in 2010 at 77, 45 and 50 million, respectively.
Overall, there is a huge difference in numbers in all three categories between the five cities compared. Kyoto was consistent with having both the shortest length and the fewest passengers.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

traffic in Abu Dhabi

Like many large cities around the world, Abu Dhabi suffers from traffic congestion and parking problems.

The main reason for this is the rapidly expanding population. Everybody has a car in Abu Dhabi and Abu Dhabi is a small city and the city contains many institutions such as corporations, factories, institutions, schools and many others . Due to the size of the city and the large number of cars and the lack of parking, crowded streets and accidents are frequent.
Next , the young drivers don’t know a lot about driving and when they drive , they caus a lot of problem on the roads for example they don’t drive in one line and their cars go right and left .The other problem is the police car . When the police car stops near the road in the morning, some drivers are afraid and brake directly and that causes all the cars behind them brake and the traffic happens.

There are many solutions for that problem. First, the government must do some maintenance to large roads to and the second step is giving the drivers information on the radio about the roads every one hour to avoid the road which has traffic and choose another road. Build a lot of bridge to distribute the cars in many roads . The other step is to teach the young driver about the good driving .

In conclusion there are many solutions for the traffic problem but the important thing is when we will implement  these solutions

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Obesity in the UAE

Obesity has become a major problem in the UAE. Over 60% of Emirati nationals are overweight. This is a difficult problem with many serious effects on the individual and country.

Obesity can be divided into three main causes -   diet, lifestyle and education. One of the chief causes is diet. Young Emiratis eat more and more of  burgers and pizza in fast-food restaurants. However, some traditional foods are also very oily. Lifestyle is a second cause of obesity. As a result of cheap foreign labour, many Emiratis now have sedentary jobs, and do not exercise regularly. However, one of the causes is lack of education . Parents do not teach good eating habits to children, and many people lack knowledge about good nutrition or a balanced diet.

The solutions? One of the solutions is education. The children must be teached about eat habit and eat diet food. The second solution is the exercise. The exercises help the body to be healthy. The other solution is stop smoking and eat many of sweets

Obesity or even being overweight has serious effects on the individual and the society. Both need to take action to examine the causes of this problem and find solutions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The pie- chart shows the information on UK government spending in 1996. The total budget is £315 billion.
There are many budgets for the UK government. The highest budget is £100 billion. It is spent for Social security. For another social service it spent £53 billion on health and personal services. The UK government spent £9 billion on transport. They spent around £23 billion on each of defence, debt interest and other expenditure. For, housing, heritage and enviroment less was spent, £15 billion. The UK government spent £38 billion on Education and £17 billion on law and order. This is all the information shown in the pie- chart.
As we can see, the UK government spent a big amount of the 1996 budget on social security. The lowest budget shown in the pie- chart is £9 billion on transport. That means the UK government focused on the social security because it spent more money on it than anything else.